Wednesday, September 2, 2015

An Experience We Never Dreamed Of Happening!

Today a special Endowment Session was held at the temple.  It was for the Asia Area Presidency, the Mission Presidents of Asia, and each of their wives.  President and Sister Wong, our temple president and matron also attended this session.  The members of the Asia Area Presidency are Elder Gerrit W. Gong and Elder Chi Hong Wong of the First Quorum of the Seventy, and Elder Randy D. Funk of the Second Quorum.
We had known this session was going to take place, but we didn't expect to be assigned to attend with Elder Bodily as the Officiator.
Being in the temple and sitting in a room full of General Authorities and their wives is an experience neither of us dreamed of happening in our lifetime.  A tremendous Spirit was felt throughout the session.  We looked around the room and saw men and women fully living the law of consecration.
It was a privilege and a blessing to be sitting among them.

We learned one of the mission presidents is from Burley, Idaho and actually knows a few of Elder Bodily's relatives.  President Jergensen of the Taiwan Taipei Mission has a Bodily relative.  So, maybe we are related in a round-about-way.

It was an extra special day in the Hong Kong Temple!

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