Sunday, November 15, 2015

Ryan Would Be 40 Today!

This is the Sabbath Day.  A day to worship the Lord and renew our baptismal covenants with Him.
It is also the day our son, Ryan was born 40 years ago. 
Today our thoughts go back to Saturday, November 15, 1975
It was the day we became parents, and our hearts were full of joy and excitement with the arrival of our baby boy.  We knew our lives had changed,
 but little did we know how much our lives were about to change.
For the next 17 years we loved and cared for our child who came with limitations.  Those years brought  challenges we did not foresee.  But, they brought increased love, laughter and many happy moments in our lives.  They also brought lessons for our children and family in having compassion and understanding for those who are given disabilities, and who are different.

We have been blessed to have a child who the Lord protected from the adversary,
and thank our Heavenly Father for providing a way for us to be not only with Ryan again, but with our entire family eternally in the presence of the Lord.
We know this to be true because of our faith and testimony of
our Heavenly Father's plan of happiness.

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