Yesterday in the temple I overheard a patron struggling to say what he needed to say. The person who was to help him could not understand Cantonese and did not know the words in Cantonese, so he was not able to help him. In most situations like this he would have had a card with the words on it to help. However, for one reason or another, the card was not available and the patron and worker were stuck. So I stepped in and helped with the wording in Cantonese, as far as I could go. I don't have the last part of it memorized yet, and was hoping the patron would catch on and be able to complete the ordinance on his own, but he was not experienced enough. So now we were all three stuck. I decided to leave the room and go find someone to help. As I approached the door, Pres. Wong, the temple president, who speaks perfect Cantonese of course, walks in and goes right to the patron and finishes up like nothing ever happened.
Today Pres. Wong and I were talking and I brought this situation up. I assumed President Wong was on the other side of veil and heard what was going on and just came in. However, he said he was actually somewhere else in the temple and had no intentions of going to the endowment room at that time. But just had a feeling he should go see how things were going, and walked in with no idea we needed his help.
Just a coincidence? No way! The work that goes on in the temple is the Lord's work. He is in charge and He directs all things that need to be done.
This may just seem like a small thing, but these little small things go on all the time in this temple.
Elder Bodily
It is pretty wonderful knowing God is aware of us and our needs and how beautiful that others are so willing to be His hands.
I love knowing that God helps in all things, big and "small". :)
Wonderful, amazing, and typical, all at the same time.
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