Thursday, September 17, 2015

What Are The Odds?

We met some great people this week.  Elder and Sister Mills, who are serving their mission in Malaysia, came to the temple with Brothers Liong and Lee,
 so they could receive their own endowments.  
Sister Yong came too, for her second time.
She is a sweet lady, and when we told her we are from Idaho, she told us of another senior couple who had served their mission in Malaysia and they are from Malad, Idaho.  She seemed baffled that we didn't know Dan and Dina Marteeny since we live in the same state.  She made me chuckle.

Brother Albert Lee is an impressive young man.  He speaks five languages.  English is one along with  Malay, Cantonese, Mandarin, and another Asian language that I don't recall.

Brother Liong is unable to speak or hear, but he radiates goodness, and communicates his love for others through his great smile.

Elder Mills told of a miracle they witnessed last night that I want to share.
Yesterday, the five of them went exploring Hong Kong along the promenade in Tsim Sha Tsui.
As they were near the Avenue of the Stars, two sister missionaries just happened to be there.
One of those dear sisters, knows sign language and was able to communicate with Brother Liong.   But, not only that,  she knows a family nearby who also knows sign language.  She gave them a call and was able to make arrangements for Bro. Liong and this family to meet.  They spent two hours having a great time conversing with each other.
  The first conversation Brother Liong was able to have since arriving in Hong Kong.
Elder Mills said that you could see on his face how happy he was to be able talk with someone the only way he can.
When walking along the Avenue of the Stars, you will always find a crowd of people, and to think that those two missionaries were there the same time these good people were,
 and saw them in such a crowded place, well the odds were against them,
but that was a 'tender mercy' for Brother Liong, and the Lord's tender mercies always beat the odds.
Nguk Sin Liong from Malaysia
Sitting:  S. Juliana Yong (Ai Ngiik), myself, S. Devie Mills
Standing:  Siew Ong Lee (Albert), Nguk Sin Liong, Elder Mills


jeff and alli said...

How sweet it is that Heavenly Father helps us in so many different ways.

Joyce said...

Hey I finally remembered how to get on this blog. I am so glad that I can read more about the pic etc I thought that the skrits were some of your classes.

ken said...

What an amazing mission you are having. Love the pictures and the blog.

ken said...

What an amazing mission you are having. Love the pictures and the blog.

Jon, Kristin, and the kiddos said...

"The Lord's tender mercies always beats the odds." - I like that.