From the time we got our call to serve in Hong Kong,
we expected to learn something of the Chinese culture.
Little did we know we would be attending a Filipino Branch and learning about their culture too.
There are considerable differences between the two,
but one thing they share in common is they eat a lot of rice.
These are just some of our branch members.
We have approx. 125 attending.
We meet on the 6th floor in Wan Chai.
We have approx. 125 attending.
We meet on the 6th floor in Wan Chai.
This is what you will see happening on the 3rd floor, Sunday mornings.
Our sisters are learning some basic sewing skills.
Wilma makes me smile.
Our branch is divided into 5 families, and below are a few members from our family,
The Rollog/Bodily Family Group
Our branch is divided into 5 families, and below are a few members from our family,
The Rollog/Bodily Family Group
A scrumptious meal is served after church
on the 1st and 3rd Sundays.
Joy and Leonida and Elder Bodily
We have been trying to learn these beautiful ladies' names, but still have a ways to go.
We have about 30 in our family group.
Rhonaliza, ?, Lea, Rowena (way in the back), Joy, and Princess Joy are among the few we do know.
Jocelyn, Myself, Gloria, Jane, and Christy
We caught these three adorable triplets helping themselves to the water dispenser as we were heading home. Amazingly, they weren't spilling too much on the floor. They are not in our branch, but we couldn't resist taking their picture because they are so dang cute, and belong to someone in our
Wan Chai building.
Wan Chai building.
hope this goes through for me tried to send an e mail but it didn't work we won't know the tests results for a few days.
those girls are adorable!
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