Sunday, April 24, 2016

Once Again The Temple Is Opened On Sunday!

This was an extra special Sunday opening at the temple for us.
Criselda Rualo and Leonida Dimarucot are members of the Island 1st Branch,
 and both received their own endowment today.
It was so wonderful to witness.
Criselda and Nida
With Marj moving soon, this was most likely our last opportunity for a photo with her at the temple.
Brother and Sister Rollog
We co-parent with them in Island 1st Branch
Some of my favorite ladies.
Whaphen, Pearl, Marj, and Catherine
This is just a small number of our Island 1st sisters.
Catherine Concepcion (lower right) was a bonus.

Elder and Sister Lee were the Coordinators for this Sunday Opening with E/S Ngai and
E/S Hathaway assisting.  They did a superb job of planning and making assignments.
Because of their efforts and the efforts of good, dependable ordinance workers,
everything went very smoothly and without a glitch.
There was a feeling of reverence and the Spirit was strong.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

A Change In Countenance!

Sister Wong shared something she witnessed a couple of years ago in the temple.  It regarded a young woman from India who came to the temple looking very sad, but after attending an endowment session, she was happy.  Sister Wong talked with her about the change she noticed in her countenance.  This young woman then explained her situation.
She had been a member of the church for a few years.  Her family are Hindi and did not approve of her baptism.  Her father even disowned her, but then he suddenly died.  She came to the temple hoping to get answers to her prayers.   It was during the endowment session that she had a vision in which, the apostle Peter appeared to her.  She was overwhelmed with joy and gained a feeling of hope.  Thus, the reason for her happy countenance.

I have a testimony that the Lord is mindful of his children.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Puns Treated Us To Lunch!

Daniel and Susan Pun are fun to serve with in the temple and quite generous and kind we might add.
 Out of the goodness of their hearts, they have taken us to lunch a few times.  The first was to experience Hot Pots.  The next was to Dim Sum in I-Square with all the temple missionaries. This time it was just us again to experience Shanghai Cuisine in Mei Foo.
Hot and Sour Soup
Our favorite this time, Fried Pork Buns
We didn't expect the Jelly Fish to be crunchy, and we'd say its not our favorite. 
 But, we can say we have tried it.
Not a big fan of Shanghai cuisine, nor the mouse running across our feet near the entrance of the restaurant (which was inside a mall), but the company was great.
Thanks Daniel and Susan!